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Question:Does anyone know how to do fouettés? If you do can you explain it to me? I know it will be hard to explain it in words so you can just leave a link.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know how to do fouettés? If you do can you explain it to me? I know it will be hard to explain it in words so you can just leave a link.

A fouetté rond de jambe en tournant is an action where the dancer stands momentarily on flat foot with the supporting knee bent as the other working leg is whipped around to the side, creating the spin. The working leg is then pulled in to touch the supporting knee as the dancer rises up en pointe on the supporting foot.

If you study at a studio or have some dance space available, even just a bar, the best way to start out is first by doing regular releves to pase. Then when you can do that flawlessly, do pirruettes at the bar, with a plie after each pirruette( that is to practice bending you're knees after every turn). Finally, do the fouetté in slow-mo, and pick up speed until you feel comfortable away from the bar

okay I hope your going to be able to understand this. When first learning start by going through the motions with out turning. brush your leg forward and bend your standing leg. Then carry your extended leg to the side and then bring is to your pirouette position and straighten your leg. Then when you feel you have the movements down start with a piqué (pee-kay) turn sometimes referred to as a wooden soldier turn because your working leg doesnt bend. Then go through the motions you did standing and just turn your head (spot) and you should have no problem!