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Position:Home>Dancing> What are some good stretches tward doing the splits???

Question:Im almost doing the splits but i cant just get down all the way.I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im almost doing the splits but i cant just get down all the way.I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sitting in ther frog stretch is really good. Hre is a pic of it

Also the baby stretch is good. Lay on your back and hold your feet, pulling them to the ground.

Try leaning forward when you do the splits as well. This helped me alot.

Go up to a flat surface (a wall), lay on your back and openyour legs. gravity will get you there if you are working ony your middle splits. Yo ucan also do this stretch sitting up with open legs. Push forward until you acn get your body to the wall.I hope this helps!!!!

Well runners lunges are good, but in general just sit on the floor, open your legs to the side and lean forwards, trying to get your head to touch the floor, when you can do that easily, open your legs wider and carry on doing that

well the only way is practice!
everytime before you try doing the splits make sure youve warmed up otherwise you will be stiff the next day., i can do the splits from practicing everyday, it also helps for everything in dancing like, higher kicks, leaps etc. Once your there try having one foot on a chair and the other one on another chair and sitting in the middle in the splits. hope this helps! .

Are you trying to get a straddle or side splits? Either way, you should stretch just about every day, and do lunges keeping your hips squared off. If they aren't square, it's cheating! Definitely warm up first to get the blood moving.
Good luck!

Ok, put your hand at the bottom of the same foot, and pull up toward the ceiling, and eventually you should be able to pull it straight up, towards the ceiling. Work on both feet and you should have both legs loosened up.

Here are some good stretches. Just remember to ALWAYS warm-up. Not only is it dangerous not to, you won't be able to stretch as much. And don't overstretch for the same reason.

You might have to look up the names of some of the stretches.

Good luck, I'm working on my splits myself.

do splits ... duh

touch your toes- this sounds weird but you need long tendons todo the splits and It helps you get longer muscles- essencial for dancing


-well first off, you have to do this EVERYDAY!

- what i do is a series of stretches
1. Sit in pike stretch with flex feet and pointed feet
2. Then spread you legs out to straddle, stretch to the side with pointed feet, then flex turn you body toward your leg and go down. Do both sides the stretch to middle, flexed and pointed feet.
3. Now pull your legs into butterfly. stretch over for a little. Then put your right leg over left, (left is still on the ground) and twist so you stretch your back.
4. Untwist so you are in a runner position (before they start to run). stretch there then pull the back leg up and stretch there then back to runner position and then into splits.
5. Repeat on the other side from runner position.
6. This series of stretches has helped me ALOT!