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Question:Does a sway back/tilted pelvis effect turnout?
I have a sway back and a tilted pelvis but my chirpracter said she can help with this...if I get this improved will my turnout be worse?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does a sway back/tilted pelvis effect turnout?
I have a sway back and a tilted pelvis but my chirpracter said she can help with this...if I get this improved will my turnout be worse?

The simple answer to your question is; No. your turn out should dramatically improve as you work to correct your alignment. If your pelvis is tilted, forward at the top and rearward at the bottom... (that's called a "retracted pelvis") the effort you make to turn out is less effective and you will likely develop larger thigh muscles and seat muscles than you want.
Ask your chiropractor to explain the "ILIOPSOAS" muscle for you. (pronounced ill-e-oh-soh-az) This is a critical muscle in the area of the pelvis. It attaches to the lower front of the pelvis, near the hip joint and then to the front of the lumbar spine. Among its other functions, it lifts the pelvis, contradicting your "swayback" issue (lordosis) and stabilizes the pelvis right where you want it! Lifted in front, relaxed and dropped in back.
A mistaken idea is that you should straighten the lower back by contracting the seat muscles and tucking under. That doesn't work! If your gluteals are firmly contracted this way, basically your legs can't move freely or turn out... I feel that a better idea is to lengthen the lower back by LIFTING the pelvis in the front. This is where the iliopsoas muscle comes in.
Try this; stand in 1st position normally. Now squeeze your seat muscles and tuck your butt under using the gluteals. (butt muscles). OK... feel that? Your back straightened and your butt went under right? Thats the wrong way!
Now... start in the same exact posture... and shift your pelvis into the same finished position... up in front down in back... but this time RELAX the butt muscles and see if you can LIFT from the front of the pelvis INSTEAD. You may be feeling the iliopsoas doing the work that you need it to do to stabilize your lower back and pelvis right where you want it so you can STILL MOVE!
Do more research on the iliopsoas. I feel It is critical for the dancer to understand its function.

Ok I figured you meant "affect" and not "effect" otherwise it doesn't make any sense.
Still: what does turnout mean? turn out to where?
You mean your hips sway too much and u can't turn left like Ben Stiller in Zoolander?

Oops! Sorry, I failed to read the category, LOL! Nope I took like 4 classes, they spoke French a lot and I'm a linguist... Well, sorry for the dumb answer, hope I entertained ya while it's so deserted here at night... xxooxx

A correct ballet position has a straight back and the butt tucked under. Being in the proper position can only help your turn out.