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Position:Home>Dancing> Check this out!! what do u think??

Question:look at the dude with yellow hat after he jumps off the car. he does some front flip thingy. do u have to be flexible or u just habe to be skinny??? tell me what do u think??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: look at the dude with yellow hat after he jumps off the car. he does some front flip thingy. do u have to be flexible or u just habe to be skinny??? tell me what do u think??

If you're talking about when he jumps off the car and does a front tuck then just about anyone can do that. As long as you have a high enough surface and enough momentum. I really wouldn't suggest doing this by yourself though the landing can be pretty rough and you might hurt yourself. If you want to do flips like that you may want to take a gymnastics class.

Good luck!

Can I sing?;...

awosome dude!!!!!

it doesnt matter your weight its just whether you can do it and do it well!!
