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Position:Home>Dancing> Where can I buy cool dance shirts?

Question:There are tons of adorable "I love Dance" type shirts (i.e. Dance is life, the rest is just details). Does anyone know where I can buy some cool shirts other than eBay (not many choices) or Cafepress (which has great stuff but very expensive)?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are tons of adorable "I love Dance" type shirts (i.e. Dance is life, the rest is just details). Does anyone know where I can buy some cool shirts other than eBay (not many choices) or Cafepress (which has great stuff but very expensive)?


To be honest, I buy most of my shirts at dance events and specialty shops. For online finds, I've always had good luck with Cafepress, but I've also found some cute shirts at (I don't know what their shipping policies are.)

Do you specialize in any particular form of dancing (ballet, swing, Irish step)? Most forms of dance have stores & sites that cater to their following. I'm a swing dancer, so I buy t-shirts at swing-oriented sites, like DanceStore and Geekswing.

EDIT: I found some great ballet-themed shirts at Technique Wear:

i got lot of em

better you search the local boutiques


Soryy that is all i got.

Hope this helped :D

If you don't have any local ballet or dance stores, try cheerleading sections. They usually have those things there. If you can't get anything there, I subscribe to 2 ballet magazines. One is Dance Distributors, which I would definitely recommend. They have all that kind of stuff. Another is Pointe Magazine, which sometimes has ads for things like that.