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Question:Ok, so I'm 13 and I really wanna take ballet (my dream is to get pointe shoes:) I talk a lot and I also laugh alot. Is ballet class very serious or can you talk in it or do you get in trouble if you talk? Thanks!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok, so I'm 13 and I really wanna take ballet (my dream is to get pointe shoes:) I talk a lot and I also laugh alot. Is ballet class very serious or can you talk in it or do you get in trouble if you talk? Thanks!!

I'm 13 too! Oh my goodness! I've been taking ballet for seven years, and let me tell you, it is AMAZING. I'm going on pointe next year! Um, yes, you aren't really supposed to talk in ballet. Here are the basics. At my studio, you cannot:

1. Talk during a dance
2. Yawn without concealing it (It means you're bored)
3. Talk if you don't need to

That may discourage you, but let me tell you it is SO MUCH FUN. Get back to me on this, I wanna see what you choose to do!

Best wishes,
Andrea. :)

lol! It's very serious...I just got a scholarship to do ballet...the teachers are very critical, and you need to practice instead of playing. If you play you won't make it!

It's a pretty serious class. You really have to pay attention so talking a lot is rather looked down upon. Once in a while, you can get away with it, but most of the time, during class, you have to practice quietly and observe your teacher.

Well it really depends on where you take on whether or not you will get into trouble for talking. I take ballet and at the beginning I would talk to a friend, not a lot but enough. We'd kinda get into trouble but not really. Then a couple years ago I got really serious about wanting to improve and I realized that my social attitude in class wasn't helping me to be as great as I could be. I still talk, just not as often. You can talk, but realize that there is a time when it is appropriate and when it is not!

im 14 and have been on point for a year now- ballet is hard work but it is also fun and depending on the teacher aslong as your trying hard they dont mind- dance is meant to be fun so go for it---- its changed my life!!!!

By definition Ballet has no words. Your only means of expression is dance, hand signals and facial expressions. In a professional production whole conversations are had and understood using just these tools. While some kinds of theater use ballet steps in productions with words or songs, pure ballet is just that. Dance. Since your classes are to prepare you for that, the rules are as they are. Good luck in your studies.

Well my dance studio isn't very strict about talking, but I don't know about the rest. As long as you can learn the combinations, your are fine in my class. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, just listen to the teacher and learn from the other girls how to act. I love ballet and I hope you love it too! I got my pointe shoes last year and they are so cool! Good luck! : )

It's just like crying in baseball...

it depends alot on your studio or teacher. i have some teachers that will let you talk while still paying attention and some that won't. ballet should be fun without talking tho too!

You're not really supposed to talk during class. The teacher could get very annoyed, think you're not taking it seriously, and even kick you out of the class if they have a bad enough temper. If you want to be good enough to go en pointe, you're going to need to work very hard and focus during class, not laugh and talk.

It really just depends on the teacher/studio. But overall dont talk that much. Me and my friend are probalbly the most talkative ones in my class and we dont even talk that much. You obviously don't talk while youre dancing, but as far as in between combonations and stuff, some teachers don't mind and want you to get involved, but others prefer that you just dont talk.

its pretty really depends on which studio u go 2.
if u talk alot and dont pay attention...then u might not hear advice which might help u get ur pointe shoes sooner.
the only trouble that u can honestly get into ist to get talked to or hav the teacher giv u a evil glare. it really depends. if i were u, try to pick a class with only 1 or 2 people that u r friends with..not 8 or 9.its really not that strict. and good for u!! going into ballet. and u r at the main age of getting pointe shoes...! my dream is 2 get pointe shoes too. i m close..but i still dont hav them:( it takes work and passion. good luck, and at first it is hard...but dont give up. just remember...YOU CAN do it!!!(i know...alittle off topic...=/)