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Position:Home>Dancing> How do you dance at a senior prom? I've never been to any dances before and

Question:Hmm..well, there were the slow dances, which are cool. Never been into the whole dirty dancing thing(grinding). But, fortunately I had a date and friends that would drag me onto the dance floor and act silly with me. lol They made it fun. :) So, I hope that you have a date and friends that will act silly with you! hehe Hope that you have a blast!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hmm..well, there were the slow dances, which are cool. Never been into the whole dirty dancing thing(grinding). But, fortunately I had a date and friends that would drag me onto the dance floor and act silly with me. lol They made it fun. :) So, I hope that you have a date and friends that will act silly with you! hehe Hope that you have a blast!

haha umm...well. at my senior prom a couple years ago...we did fast dancing such as grinding with our dates...and we did the stupid silly dancing with just girls. there were a couple of dances like the electric slide and chacha slide....then there are slow dances.

Don't Care What Other People Think. Just Go Wild :L! Don't Let The Way You Dance Wreak Your Good Night. Who Cares What Other People Think.
Everyone Can Be A Good Dancer If Your Confident.
Just Think About It...If You Saw Two People...One Looking Fun, Enjoying Themselves And Another Quiet, Just Standing There...Which Would Look Better?

Do you remember the film that Will Smith was in called Hitch? His advice to his friend about dancing was not only amusing, but quite sage.

There are perks to being a wallflower.