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Position:Home>Dancing> How do I learn ballet terminology and moves before august?

Question:I've been a dancer for 10 years! I've only taken ballet twince (3 yrs. and then in August, but I dropped out after the first class) I've always taken jazz and tap, and ballet is a requirement now. So, do you know how I can learn ballet terminology QUICKLY! I love dancing but ballet is a requirement and I look like an idiot in a ballet class.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been a dancer for 10 years! I've only taken ballet twince (3 yrs. and then in August, but I dropped out after the first class) I've always taken jazz and tap, and ballet is a requirement now. So, do you know how I can learn ballet terminology QUICKLY! I love dancing but ballet is a requirement and I look like an idiot in a ballet class.

You can go to a local book store and buy a ballet terms book. I have one and it really helps me. Read it randomly and before you know it, you understand what the teacher is talking about. There are also online sources that you can read that have the basic terms for ballet that are really easy to pick up and understand

say the move out loud then do will catch on worked for me.

I asked granny and she said:

Hagfish are marine craniates of the class Myxini, also known as Hyperotreti. Myxini is the only class in the clade Craniata that does not also belong to the subphylum Vertebrata. That is, they are the only animals which have a skull but not a vertebral column.

Despite their name, there is some debate about whether they are strictly fish (as there is for lampreys), since they belong to a much more primitive lineage than any other group that is commonly defined fish (Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes). Their unusual feeding habits and slime-producing capabilities have led members of the scientific and popular media to dub the hagfish as the most "disgusting" of all sea creatures. Although hagfish are sometimes called "slime eels," they are not eels at all.

By August, you should have been taking classes long enough to pick up the terminology. Just really focus and repeat the words in your head while thinking of the movement that goes with them.