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Position:Home>Dancing> How can I become a dance choreographer / dancer?

Question:I'd love to become a dancer or a dance choreographer but I'm struggling to think of ways to start. I'm only 12 years old so I've got a lot of time.
I already go to a dance school and do four classes there, but what else can I do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'd love to become a dancer or a dance choreographer but I'm struggling to think of ways to start. I'm only 12 years old so I've got a lot of time.
I already go to a dance school and do four classes there, but what else can I do?

at your age, just make sure that you're trying your harddest and learning a lot. Make sure to ask a lot of questions.
Also, consider if you really do want to have a career in dancing, before you make those decisions.
Try to get into good summer camps and go to as many master classes as you can.
Make sure you really have the passion to dance.
Good luck!

all you can do is keep dancing! do your best in the classes you are taking and take more classes if you can! learn healthy eating habits and such and be flexible! thats really all you can do besides try really hard during class and understand what you are doing and fix your mistakes