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Position:Home>Dancing> In the School of American Ballet what do they ask you to do in the audition?

Question:are they really tuff??is there a certian age they would like you to join???im soo confused! i already checked out the website!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: are they really tuff??is there a certian age they would like you to join???im soo confused! i already checked out the website!

As with most ballet schools, it will require lots of energy and devotion. I checked out the website's FAQ page ( They offer two terms, winter and summer. For the winter term you can be between the ages of 6 and 18. For summer the ages are between 12 and 18. Here is a link for audition details:
Assuming you are over the age of twelve, you will perform a shortened class (including barre and centre) and will be required to bring pointe shoes and a birth certificate.

I got all of this info from their webpage. Check it out for more details. I hope I helped! I have a friend who got accepted and she thought it was a great program that really helped her grow as a dancer and person. Good luck ( :