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Position:Home>Dancing> I can breakdance pretty good but i am having trouble with the windmill ,turtle a

Question:yeah i know what you mean. windmills and turtles just take a while, you won't learn them in a day. so you just gotta practice them. flares on the otherhand are one of the hardest moves there are in my opinion. those require lots of upperbody strength and probably some pretty good balance. those are gonna take you a LONG time... sorry but it's true. i can't do any of the moves you mentioned but that's cause i suck at power moves =) check out flares and windmills have their own section and turtles can be found under floats. that link will give you guides, tips, etc. here's a good flare guide on youtube: it's in korean but he does a good job of showing you the moves. there's also a translation off to the side under the video description. best of luck with everything!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yeah i know what you mean. windmills and turtles just take a while, you won't learn them in a day. so you just gotta practice them. flares on the otherhand are one of the hardest moves there are in my opinion. those require lots of upperbody strength and probably some pretty good balance. those are gonna take you a LONG time... sorry but it's true. i can't do any of the moves you mentioned but that's cause i suck at power moves =) check out flares and windmills have their own section and turtles can be found under floats. that link will give you guides, tips, etc. here's a good flare guide on youtube: it's in korean but he does a good job of showing you the moves. there's also a translation off to the side under the video description. best of luck with everything!