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Position:Home>Dancing> Did anyone watch ..Australia So You Think You Can Dance tonight...?

Question:What were those judges thinking...?! Do you think that they made the right decision , eliminating Hilton...?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What were those judges thinking...?! Do you think that they made the right decision , eliminating Hilton...?


I can NOT believe that Hilton left. I have never liked JD, he is just way too boring as a Hip Hop dancer.

Hilton was amazing, a lot of people are going to be disappointed.

No, hilton was awesome!!!

Yeh Hilton is good but he will get snapped up by some dance company for sure i bet all the major dance company are keeping an eye on the dancers who were in the top 20 just take a look at idol there is a winner yes but most who are in the last 5 singers always end up singing and with a contract. Hilton will be fine cause he can dance.

It's the worst decision ever, maybe even worse than when they eliminated Jessie in 2007 season in the US.