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Position:Home>Dancing> How to do ballet Fouettes Turns?

Question:I am starting my traing at home for now until I find a school close and that will take me because I am 20. Can anyone tell me how to do ballet Fouettes Turns?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am starting my traing at home for now until I find a school close and that will take me because I am 20. Can anyone tell me how to do ballet Fouettes Turns?

Many dance studios offer classes for adult beginners.
You do not want to try fouette turns until you have had years of training. Start practicing spotting in a mirror, then try a few simple chainnes turns.

To spot you pick a point to focus your eyes on. Keep looking at that point as you slowly turn your body to the right. turn your body but keep you head still as you focus on your spot. When you cannot turn anymore without turning your head, quickly snap your head around and back to focus on your spot bringing your entire body back to starting position. Do it again. Keep doing it without stopping as long as you can keep your balance.

When you have spotting down, you can begin to turn. Face the mirror and from fifth position, rise up on demi point on both feet. Rock you weight from one leg to the other lifting each foot off the floor in turn. Stay in one place as you practice this. When you can focus on your spot while rocking foot to foot you can try a step forward on your Right foot. Keep focused on your spot and turn you body halfway around and step with your left foot. Snap your head around as you turn another half turn stepping on your right foot. You keep stepping and turning half way around and you are making a "chain" of turns, chainnes.

ummmm. im assuming you know ballet terminology and how to do regular turns.
if not, you shouldnt be learning fouette turns before basic technique.

plie on your left leg and develope you right leg from posse to 90 degrees a la quatrieme devant.
ron de jame your right leg to second, and as you turn, bring it to posse.

theyre really easy with practice.
not so much conseputally.

Ok... at the Barre, for practice, Bring you foot to posse on releve', develope plie to the front and then quickly bring it to the side in releve. (basically, you are doing a fouette without turning) Repeat this several times at the barre then move to the center eventually! You'll get it... just be patient!