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Position:Home>Dancing> Why does their has to be competition?

Question:Because, as humans, we try to be better than each other. If you're talking about dance, then it's because there are only so many spots in a company or so many spots open for a specific job. You have to be one of the best in the room to make it!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Because, as humans, we try to be better than each other. If you're talking about dance, then it's because there are only so many spots in a company or so many spots open for a specific job. You have to be one of the best in the room to make it!

competition is an essential thing for humanity. it is really all we live for. everywhere you look, there is competition. economy, relationships and politics. without competition, humans would have a very small drive to succeed.

Since, my parents are dancers, I can answer this question. Dancing is an activity, people do it all the time, just like football, baseball, basketball, ect. So when people start doing these activities, they tend to get competitive with them. Nothing is wrong with this at all, its just dancing, just like other sports. I'm not a dancer, by the way.

Once dance becomes competition, it loses it's art.

I think competition dance is tacky and gross.