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Position:Home>Dancing> Leg strength??

Question:how do i make my legs stronger? my thighs mostly.. so i can do leaps in ballet.. i have muscle already just not enough i guess.. any suggestions? thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how do i make my legs stronger? my thighs mostly.. so i can do leaps in ballet.. i have muscle already just not enough i guess.. any suggestions? thanks!

well, first of all, make sure you're not building your quads. you dont want over-built quads.
when you're doing grand battment... well actually everything from a tendu to grand battment to a develope to a frappe... everything... make sure you're using the inside and back of your thigh muscle. you're going to have to use the front a little make sure not to grip it too much or you will get what we refer to as thunder thighs... and you definately dont want that haha.
oh and eating protein is good to help build muscle, just in general

Do a lot of slow plies in all positions. Do a lot of jumps keeping the heels down until the last nanosecond. I used to wear shoes (or boots) and ran around the studio doing grand jetes. That really strengthened my thighs.