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Position:Home>Dancing> Irish DANCING TIPSS???? please?????

Question:ive been irish dancing for 8 years now and there are these 2 girls who think they are better than everyone else and it really annoys the rest of us. Me and mi m8z would really like to prove them wrong by getting placed HIGHER in competetions.

Does anyone has any excercises that can help you kick your leg higher?

or to make your turnout better???

please help me with thiss =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ive been irish dancing for 8 years now and there are these 2 girls who think they are better than everyone else and it really annoys the rest of us. Me and mi m8z would really like to prove them wrong by getting placed HIGHER in competetions.

Does anyone has any excercises that can help you kick your leg higher?

or to make your turnout better???

please help me with thiss =)

if you can take some beginners ballet lessons to improve your turnout
practise your steps in a swimming pool trust me it works
don't bother about what the other snobby girls think, ignore them and practise your steps as much as you can

this one exercise, called the "Block", actually workds really well. how you do it is you sit against a wall, bend all the way to touch your toes, and then try to stand up. it really strengthens the leg muscles and allows for flexibility. why it's called the block is ideally you should be able to stand up on a block near your feet form your sitting position. GOOD LUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!...