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Position:Home>Dancing> Quick..I need Help!!?

Question:I am sure fi you are a girl scout you will understand this. Okay. My troop leader put me in charge of looking for south african dance steps. I have been looking for weeks and still haven't found any easy ones. I need all of the help I can get. Thinking day is tommorrow! First best answer get 10 points!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am sure fi you are a girl scout you will understand this. Okay. My troop leader put me in charge of looking for south african dance steps. I have been looking for weeks and still haven't found any easy ones. I need all of the help I can get. Thinking day is tommorrow! First best answer get 10 points!

Hope this helps.... cause if i were you.... it would definitly help me!

search african dance steps on the internet if that doesnt help ask your friends