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Position:Home>Dancing> Back walkovers!?!?

Question:I am learning some acro stuff for dance, and i can do a bunch of things but i CAN NOT do a back walkover i have tried SOO many times!

Any tips or suggestions!??!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am learning some acro stuff for dance, and i can do a bunch of things but i CAN NOT do a back walkover i have tried SOO many times!

Any tips or suggestions!??!

go into a backbend then get your feet and hands/arms close together then kick reallyyyy hard back and you should be able to do it.. just practice.. i practiced with my cousin for about an hour straight and we got it!! when you get it with your feet and hands close, try the back walkover with your hands a little farther apart and once you get that a little farther.. etc etc.. hope this helps! :]

Try doing a backbend against a wall until you hands reach the floor, then try kicking up into a handstand... it will take awhile but this is how i learned how to do a backwalkover... then you try backbends without the wall and you continue just like it's there and once you kick up into a handstand lean backwards a little and the feet will hit the floor as soon as they hit the floor try picking your hands up... practice will help

hope this helps and good luck!