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Position:Home>Dancing> Um...i cant think of a title?

Question:hey im alex...well my real name is alisa and yea we just put this toghether it is a video showing all the dancers in the senior dance production. so yea watch it and tell me if we show change it cuz today is the dead line!!! thanx a lot!! alisa :) p.s. im at 2:30 :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hey im alex...well my real name is alisa and yea we just put this toghether it is a video showing all the dancers in the senior dance production. so yea watch it and tell me if we show change it cuz today is the dead line!!! thanx a lot!! alisa :) p.s. im at 2:30 :)

Where is the video being given to?

I like it:) too long
Some of the video quality is poor, and Maybe you should change the song.

Overall, it's great :) (Y)

There's no link for the video. You should name it .