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Position:Home>Dancing> I am 14 and i want to start ballet but am i too old to begin something?

Question:Im not flexible, i dont have any skill in dancing really but i want to learn but am i too old to be a beginner?Alot of girls start things when they are like 5.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im not flexible, i dont have any skill in dancing really but i want to learn but am i too old to be a beginner?Alot of girls start things when they are like 5.

I actually had this same problem! I kept putting off starting because I thought it would be too late and i finally started when I was 15. You can too!
I have to admit I was in a class with younger kids but they werent that much younger they were like 12 and 13. Once you get in that first class you'll be fine and because you are older your bones are stronger and you'll have more strength and discipline. I also was not flexible at all, but every night i stretched before I went to bed and at first it doesn't seem to make any difference but it will! I promise just keep at it and work hard!

Good on you.You are definitely not too old to start,try looking up dancing classes in your local phone book.

It's never too late!
It's ok even if you're not flexible. That's why there's warm ups and lessons and such. Go ahead and start having some lessons and you'll be on your way!

Good luck!

I'm 14, and have been dancing for 12 years!! But in my class -- we love to see fresh new faces every year, some stick with it, some dont. i guess its always been my thing, you should TRY IT ;-)

There is no such thing in being too old to start something new. Many places offer classes for beginners of all ages. Check your local community center and see if they offer classes there.

you are deffinetly not to old, im 17 and i just started dancing Jazz, as for flexibility, it can be gained with some streaching(just practice to do a split(legs going to the side) for about a10 min a day an entire month and you'll get flexible pretty fast, even if you don't do the split)

it's not too late...
as long as you can still walk, dance or capable being a ballet dancer, then why not....

there's no 'late' in whatever we want to do....

my first dance experience, of any sort, was my freshman year of highschool. you're never to late. and im was never flexible but once you get into it you will be more flexible. so go for it if its what you really want, im still enjoying my decision to stay in dance, at first i felt just as you did but once you do it its not so scary

No it is not to late. I know a person who is starting dance and she is 27 years old.
Although you might want to work extra hard and get extra lessons if you want to be with girls your own age (in their level). Remember nothing happens over night.

who says you're too old to learn how to dance?!! As long as the dedication and effort is there, i'm pretty sure you'll be able to learn as fast as you could. Dancing most especially Ballet needs a lot of discipline, hardwork, and focus. Just try yo be on you're best. Aside form that, being flexible takes a lot of time and patience. Just keep on doing stretches like butterfly and etc. so that your bones will be flexible. And don't worry much that you'll never do it, just rely on yourself.

no(: its never too late to start something.
there are many people in my ballet class who just started this year. and they really catch up fast. all you need is the right mindset.