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Position:Home>Dancing> My neck hurts and i'm 13 and my grandparents r sick and i have a dance tomma

Question:it cracks and i can not hold my head up for that long and i do not want to go to a chiropractor .(they r rough)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it cracks and i can not hold my head up for that long and i do not want to go to a chiropractor .(they r rough)

Chiropractor are rough, but they seriously help. I'm a dancer and i have many joint problems. I went to a man who is a chiropractor/ nutritionist/ acupuncturist. I hadn't been able to dance for 3 months before this because of referred pain coming from my hip and shooting down my leg. I was better the next day and was able to dance. Also try doctors that don't go just by bones and medication. The man i went to used natural pills such as wheat germ oil and they find the source of the problem instantly. Do some research to help. hope this helped!

go to a different chiropractor.. they're not that bad..

Sorry, but you really need to see a chiropractor and soon. Not all chiropractors are rough. Make an appointment and tell him/her your fear. I'm sure you will be put at ease and the adjustment will make you feel so much better. You will be dancing like a pro in no time!

If you don't want to see a chiropractor than see a regular doctor but don't go to the dance, its not nice to be going to a party when 2 people that you care about are sick. Show them that you care and stray home.