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Position:Home>Dancing> How do hip hop classes work?

Question:i mean like they just take a song and then work on that
but doesn't learn seperate moves right?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i mean like they just take a song and then work on that
but doesn't learn seperate moves right?

Hip Hop classes in gereral is like most other classes, you learn to dance! Anyway, if you need some moves on video, or complete beginner steps, go to the site called and search in the top right search field for "Hip hop" and you will find tons of videos on dancing hip hop.

when u dance u will enjoy ur life.........

the best dance is the hip hop.....
it will make ur body silm u will
be charming & beautifull........

They do moves.

HIp Hop, is like other dance classes. You warm up, learn a dance. Or work on a dance for a recital/performance. Just because it's Hip Hop dosen't mean it's not like any other class.