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Question:I am 12 years old and i am a dancer.I do 4 classes a week and i weigh 120 pounds. I am not fat, but im not skinny. and im pretty tall. Is this a big weight for me? I mean some of those dancers dont weight alot and people can lift them easily on stage. Im worried about when i grow older people wont be able to lift me. I have no clue what to do. Helpp?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am 12 years old and i am a dancer.I do 4 classes a week and i weigh 120 pounds. I am not fat, but im not skinny. and im pretty tall. Is this a big weight for me? I mean some of those dancers dont weight alot and people can lift them easily on stage. Im worried about when i grow older people wont be able to lift me. I have no clue what to do. Helpp?

I am 13 years old and I'm also a dancer... I take 4 classes a week also! :) I weigh 85 pounds, but I am built like that and I am only around 5'1. My best friend sounds about the same as you and she's not fat at all, but shes most likely shorter than you. Your not overweight, your just fine! You shouldn't be worried, but if you are try eating healthier, doing maybe crunches or something at home. Try and improve your core:)

You're 12, do NOT start worrying about you're weigh now. 120lbs is not fat at ALL. + you're still growing give yourself time finish growing. I also am tall.

dont worry about your weight now. youre definately not fat. youre going through puberty remember so youre going to feel fatter than you actually are. ive been through that too.

You are a little over weight. But you shouldn't think about losing any if you're not serious about dance.