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Position:Home>Dancing> I'm short. should i pursue i dance career?

Question:I really love dancing but i'm only 5"0/5"1 is it worth pursuing i'm quite good and have good strength but will it get me through if i train really hard especially my assets. I'm interested in contempary/jazz. I probably can't do ballet becuase i'm not especially skinny ( size 8 with a big bum) and I haven't done it since i was 5 ands that was for like a year or two but i have been dacing for he past 11 years .So now I'M CLOSE TO CHOOSING DEGREES AND SPECIALISMS SHOULD I CARRY ON?

also can anyone recommend a good slightly intense fitness regime (i'm a mesomorph) - i have a weak ankle

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really love dancing but i'm only 5"0/5"1 is it worth pursuing i'm quite good and have good strength but will it get me through if i train really hard especially my assets. I'm interested in contempary/jazz. I probably can't do ballet becuase i'm not especially skinny ( size 8 with a big bum) and I haven't done it since i was 5 ands that was for like a year or two but i have been dacing for he past 11 years .So now I'M CLOSE TO CHOOSING DEGREES AND SPECIALISMS SHOULD I CARRY ON?

also can anyone recommend a good slightly intense fitness regime (i'm a mesomorph) - i have a weak ankle

Your best bet might be to find a really good dance school and try and get a face-to-face with an instructor or administrator to to discuss your future in dance. Even if you have trouble finding work as a professional dancer you could become a teacher of dance. You've invested allot of time and sounds like you have a passion for the study of dancing.

Follow your dreams! You need a career that will give you fulfillment as well as pay the bills!

i have been dancing my whole life, i do ballet and jazz but i am pretty much all ballet. i am really short too, but i am getting out of high school this year, and i have a scolar ship to new york city ballet company so dont stop dancing. i m short and i made it keep going!
good luck

In my opinion, if you love dancing then go for it no matter what your height is, because if you do your best to pursuit your dancing career, well you're going to go far. It just take some practice, in my opinion you're being to hard on yourself, if you really want to go on in a dance industry, then be prepare for everything, but to get to that , you have to have a level of self confidence.

Peace, much love to pursuit your dream.

height is not an excusse.. if you feel you are good enough..have the drive/detemindation..and LOVE dnace..then go for it..nothing will ever stop you!!

good luck!! :)

Of course! I'm only 4'11 and I'm into dance as well. Though, if you plan on being a Rockette that could be a problem. The dance industry is only looking for someone who can move. They could care less about size.