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Position:Home>Dancing> What is the "Devil went down to Georgia" dance they do in Coyote Ugly?

Question:Sorry, don't know much about line dancing....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sorry, don't know much about line dancing....

I could not find the clip from the movie to see if its the same one but here is a youtube clip with line dancing to Devil went down to Georgia. I am not sure if you wanted to learn it or just see what it looks like?

?- Charlie Daniels Band- Devil went down to georgia

A line dance is a formation dance in which a group of people dance in one or more lines (British English, "rows"), executing the same movements.

In a small group there may be only one line, but usually there are several parallel lines, one behind the other. In this parallel line formation, the dancers dance in a synchronized manner, but independently of each other. There are usually no moves that require any interaction between the dancers, other than they execute the maneuvers at the same time.

There are several variations to the parallel lines set-up. There may, for example, be two sets of lines where the dancers face in directly towards each other. In larger groups these will become several sets of in-facing parallel lines. In these "contra" line dances, the dancers will dance with the others in the facing lines. The dancers often weave in and out, exchanging places, or dance up to each other, and make momentary contact, such as a hand clap, or a swing, or take hold in Promenade position for a few counts, and then move on. This has it roots in Square or Round Dancing.