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Position:Home>Dancing> Anyone know of some good exercises for splits? almost there (pics included)?

Question:any good exercises that will help me gain flexibility everywhere (ie. legs, back etc.) thanks! :]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: any good exercises that will help me gain flexibility everywhere (ie. legs, back etc.) thanks! :]

How to learn the splits

You should stretch two to three times a day, if possible. The series of stretches below should be done in order, and each stretch should be held for 30 seconds, minimum. It is best to stretch AFTER activity, if you want to increase flexibility. This is different from the stretching that you do as part of your warm-up. Warm muscles stretch better.
Another trick is to contract the muscle on the opposite side of the bone from the muscle you are stretching. This is because your body automatically relaxed opposing muscles upon contraction.
The last trick is to make a strong contraction in the muscle you want to stretch, before you stretch it.
So you will contract the muscles before the stretch, and contract the opposing muscle during the stretch.
Here is the series:
1) Large lunge with feet parallel, bending forward with hands on the floor for support.
2) Straighten the front leg and hold with both legs straight.
3) Turn feet out. Bend front leg and go into another lunge.
4) Straighten front leg again
5) Lunge again and drop back knee to ground. Try to hit the splits in this position, with both knees bent.
6) Same position, twist round and pull/stretch the back heel toward the lower back.
7) Put back foot down. Straighten front leg sliding front foot forward. Lay your chest down on you front leg.
8) With chest down, slide front foot out forward until you have gone as far down into the splits as possible.
9) Tilt hips under and press.
Rollover on your back. Bring one knee to you chest, while keeping the other leg and back of knee straight on the floor.
1) Pull knee as close to the chest as possible.
2) Same position, try to straighten the top leg.
3) Bend bottom leg, and pull straight leg to chest
4) Pull top calf around to the side of your head.
5) Hold calf to side of head, at shoulder and try to straighten the bottom leg.
Repeat all on the other leg.
Each "number" is a 30 second hold.
This is a set of stretches that I have used teaching gymnastics for 20 years. Good Luck!

it looks sorta like you are holding yourself up so let go and relax. also stretching you leg up a wall works really well.

Yea, I'm sure u posted a pic to get "answers" lol. Just playing.

just go all the way down. it'll hurt but you'll get used to it.

well wat helps me is you have to run for about 5 to 10 min. then put one of your legs on a chair that isnt too high for you stretch like this for about five min. then stretch in the natural split like magic

Just go down into a split as far as you can go, then go a little farther each time. It will hurt, but the pain only stays for a minute.

if u have the mental and physical strength then try going in to the splits then turn the tv on and watch tv and work ur way down a little at a time. also try going into it with out ur hands. it hurts but helps.

the wya i got my split was in dance theres a very low balence beam like a foot off the floor. you put your front leg up on that and then go into your split keeping that leg up hold it for liek 75 counts do that a lot and youll get it very soon. i was in the same spot in a while and like a month after doing this i got all the way down. when i do it at home i use a matress or something liek a pile of pillows that ar stakced up

hope this helps!

in that picture it looks like you're actually doing a split so it won't be too long until you get them. just keep practicing and push your self just a little further down each time. eventually you'll get them all the way. best of luck!

my dance teacher showed us this really good stretch but you need someone to help you.

it's a resistance stretch.
you lay on your back and lift your leg up. show the other person how far your leg goes when you pull it. then lift your leg straight up again and have your partner grab on to your leg, foot or ankle (doesnt matter). then you push as hard as you can and your partner acts like, i guess you could say a wall to push back to fight and keep your leg straight up. you push for about 20 seconds but make sure you dont slide on the ground. then after the 20 seconds, your partner lifts your leg a little out of your hips and pushes it and it should go farther down than it did when you firt showed them.
then switch legs

1. each leg (one at a time tho) on barre in a lyss a cone (sorry bad french spelling) and reach toward and away as far and as long as u can, then do in devant and derriere.
2. every night before you go to bed, stretch, then do the splits, simple but it works

there are leg stretching machines that increase your flexibility... and lots of exercises...

Try some sort of martial art like Tae Kwon Do or PMA ( and see what they can do for you...


Yoga thats the best exercise to gain flexibility
