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Position:Home>Dancing> Can anyone help me with my switch leaps?

Question:I need to perfect a switch leap in two months, can you give me some techniques on perfecting a switch leap? If I dropped like 5 pounds would it help my leaps go higher?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need to perfect a switch leap in two months, can you give me some techniques on perfecting a switch leap? If I dropped like 5 pounds would it help my leaps go higher?

omigosh, i LOVE switch leaps but im just getting the hang of them.... the key is to concentrate on the switch with the one leg first; let the other one stay perpendicular to the floor (like a saute) while you get used to the switching concept. Then work on bringing that perpendicular leg into grand jete form. It's taken me a while, but if you practice often you should get the hang of it.
And no, I don't think weight has much to do with it; if you can do a grand jete and grand clushes, you will be fine; it's getting the muscle memory down that's hard.

no losing weight wont really help unless ur obesse umm you just need your spilts down obviously and a lot of hight so maybe you should do some ballet to strengthen your legs more it takes time to get it be patient. go to a dance class and ask for help