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Position:Home>Dancing> Is it okay to enter a dance competition with moves from a video on youtube?

Question:I edited the song a bit.....and most moves will be from that video, is that okay?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I edited the song a bit.....and most moves will be from that video, is that okay?

I don't think there's anythin wrong with that. People are always "borrowing" other people's moves.

I did the same thing last week when I entered in the dance category. I're the one doing the moves right? Dancers usually have choreographers to help them with dance moves and if it's on youtube it's out there for everyone to see. For me it was about giving myself the best chance to show I can dance...not choreograph a routine!!

I really wanted to win (I didn't this week some girl Breanna Fuss did and got to work with Carlton Wilborn!!) but each new week is another chance for me.

I'm sure using moves that make you look good and that you know that you can do gives you a good chance at winning. ;)

absolutely, do not lie if asked where you got the moves. good luck

yeah its sorta not professional though.. don't you usually go in and dance for ppl or are in a dance school?