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Position:Home>Dancing> Dance Help needed.?

Question:i need help w/ the following:
1. stags/double stags
2. how to "dance" barre work
3. fouttes
4. cabrioles/double cabrioles
5. what is the reason for kicking behind the leg in ballet and in front in jazz. i think ballet batments are easier but i just want to know the reasoning?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i need help w/ the following:
1. stags/double stags
2. how to "dance" barre work
3. fouttes
4. cabrioles/double cabrioles
5. what is the reason for kicking behind the leg in ballet and in front in jazz. i think ballet batments are easier but i just want to know the reasoning?

3. if the problem is doing fuetes in general then try fuete preps. stand next to something you can hold on to or put your hand against. bare with me, im not great with ballet/dance terminology.
plie with your leg lifted in front of you, carry it to second position while still in plie, then eleve into a pirouette position i guess with your foot turned out. then when you have that mastered, try actually doing ONE turn when you carry it to second.

and spot.

1. idk

2. you have to be graceful and poised and sorta just flow with the music.. don't try to hard cause then you will look annoying if you know what i mean.. don't look at yourself in the mirror (ever when you're dancing actually) cause you usually do worse.. most importantly relax!!

3. SPOT!! then it should be easy.. don't put too much force in it or you will go out of control just put enough so that you can do a single and only a single just like for pirouettes

4. idk sorry!

5. i'm not sure.. i think its just a style.. you should know how to do both though to be more flexible