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Position:Home>Dancing> Help with my jazz....?

Question:hi, I need you to tell me all the leaps, jumps and turns you can think of, and please say if they are a leap, jump or turn.....Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hi, I need you to tell me all the leaps, jumps and turns you can think of, and please say if they are a leap, jump or turn.....Thank you!

WOW. there are loads but here a few of the basics:

Grand Jete- jump
Shodasha- jump
Shanae- turn
Grand Jete Astraunat- turn/jump
Russian split leap- leap
Switch leaps- leap/jump
turns in second- turn
pirouette- turn
skater turns- turn
double plie double- turns (pirouettes)

hope this helped, its hard to think of really. Yoiu might know and have different names for these, but this is what my studio calls them, so yeah.

First I would suggest that you obtain any dictionary of Classical Ballet Terms. There is a good one by Gail Grant. You can go to By going to the dictionary you will also get the CORRECT spelling of the steps. There are really too many steps to list (hop) one foot other leg in passe, attitude, arabesque, or 2nd .... straight up hop then there is turning... inward or outward, single , double..... From Two 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, changement, royale, air tour, from one foot to two feet or two feet to one foot.... See what I mean about so many. Use a computer and enter ballet terms or jazz terms...... Hope this will help