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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you think dancing is a workout?

Question:Anyone who doesn't has never done it correctly, or seen it done correctly.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Anyone who doesn't has never done it correctly, or seen it done correctly.

omg! absolutly it works your legs feet hips back arms even and usually when im done im sweating and out of breath so its definently a workout.

.Of course it is, when you dance your heart rate speeds up faster than if you were running, plus you sweat after just a couple minutes. Depending on what kind of dance you do you will get different results if your trying to lose weight or whatever

Yes, Dancing works all of your muscles. It tones your skeletal muscles while making your cardio muscles stronger. Also chemicals are released from your body making you in a better mood.

OMG! Soo tiring!

absolutely. you use almost every part of your body, it burns calories, and you sweat doing it !

I'm old enough that going to the bathroom is a workout.
Of course dancing is good exercise.

heck ya