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Position:Home>Dancing> I was told i had gifted feet to become a professional dancer.?

Question:But I have a 2 yrs old and a newborn. Should I forget about my chances? Oh, i'm 25 by the way...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: But I have a 2 yrs old and a newborn. Should I forget about my chances? Oh, i'm 25 by the way...

Good feet unfortunately don't get you everywhere. You need to have the power, the drive and of course the talent and technique. A professional dancers career doesn't last very long usually because of injury.

Have you ever taken a dance class before? If you haven't, your chances of making it professional is very minimal. I'm sorry :(

Hope this helps though.

dont forget about your chances! maybe you should try dancing for a bit and if it doesnt work out stop. but if you really enjoy and you have heaps of fun im sure you will be able to work something out so it doesnt affect you or your little ones.

Gifted feet? Hmm.
I hope the admirer was only referring to your dancing.

If you were offered an attractive job and salary - you've got a choice to make. Otherwise; just take it as a compliment on your ability to dance well or maintain nice feet.