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Position:Home>Dancing> How long had you been dancing before you did your first competition?

Question:I'm wondering what the average time frame is for a brand new beginner dancer to be good enough to do a little amateur competition?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm wondering what the average time frame is for a brand new beginner dancer to be good enough to do a little amateur competition?

It depends how much talent you have;
For some people it takes years to gain enough to perform in an amature comp.
For some natural and avanced dancer it takes merley a few months.

If you've got natural talent, and you're older, about a year is fine. I started dancing when I was 4, and I started competing around age 8.

I started dance when I was 3 years old and started doing comps when I was 12. I could have started earlier if I really wanted to.

Hope this helps :)

I had been dancing for 2 years

i was 4 at my first competion and had been danceing for 2 years. i think its wether your ready or not and if you realy have the basic moves down