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Position:Home>Dancing> How do i stand correctly?

Question:so i have dance classes at school and my dance teacher said that i am rolling, i can't explain but i am leaning inwards, the opposite of sickling when i stand. are there any ways i can correct myself? your help is appreciated!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: so i have dance classes at school and my dance teacher said that i am rolling, i can't explain but i am leaning inwards, the opposite of sickling when i stand. are there any ways i can correct myself? your help is appreciated!

Rolling in the feet means that you are carrying your weight over the inside of the heel and the big toe. Try to concentrate on pressing your little toe down harder, and standing on the center of your calcaneous (heel bone.)

Otherwise, tuck you hips slightly under, and move your hips forward so that your weight is over your toes (all of them.) You can tell if you are doing it right by doing a little check. Can you lift your heels and rise to eleve without shifting your weight.

Your rib cage (depending on your training school of dance) should be flat and the shoulders relaxed and back. Russian technique requires the ribcage slightly forward, and tension in the back. American/Balanchine requires the flat-relaxed ribcage and relaxed back muscles.

When you stand properly you should feel muscle tension down the backs of your legs, and not grip with your thighs. Gripping with the thighs during your stance CAN CAUSE you to roll in the feet.

practice sitting up straight in a chair with your back fully on the chair, that should help your posture =] good luck

You just need to distribute your weight fully on all five toes. Your pinky toes should be touching the ground as much as your big toes. However, when you go on releve, your weight should be on your big toe and second toe.