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Position:Home>Dancing> How do you get better at dancing? like club dancing?

Question:any suggestions are greatly appreciated

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: any suggestions are greatly appreciated

Good question ! There are quite a few ways to get better at dancing. Some dancing you can pick up just by looking at someone and practicing the moves on your own. But, I suggest that you take a dance class, again depending on what type of dancing you want to do. I always wanted to learn how to two step and swing out, so I joined a social group a few years ago, learned the count, the moves mixed it in to the beat of some songs, now Im #1 at what I do, so good that I can now teach it to others. On the other hand, sometimes if you are out in a club, just ask someone if they don't mind showing you a few moves, pick up the beat in a song and bounce to it. Once you do that, then you can just about dance to any type of music, and do any type of dance. It's all about the count in swing, step dancing, zydeco and all about the beat in songs where you really don't have to count to stay on track. Learn them and practice at home, you'll be surprise at what a count and a beat can do for ya !!!!

well when you are dancing listen to the beat of the song.dont be stiff.flow.
or watch music videos or videos on and learn.

practice and youi'll get better

hey i think you should take up dancing maybe going to ballet lesson might seem daunting at first but it will help you count the beats. it will help you control your moves and body movements. hip hop running along side this would be great as you would get good dance moves.