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Position:Home>Dancing> Explain country 2-step?!?

Question:Hi - I am looking for someone to explain the dance in a very "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Country 2-Step" kind of way! Basic is best, along with a way to count it out in my head. Thanks SO much!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi - I am looking for someone to explain the dance in a very "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Country 2-Step" kind of way! Basic is best, along with a way to count it out in my head. Thanks SO much!!

Well I can pretty much tell you that R & B 2 two step and swing out is an 8 count, and I want to say (don't quote me), but C & W is a 6 count. It's like 1 -2 - 3 and 4, 5 and 6, (in reality it's an eight count as well, because some instructors use the "and" as a number and 4 is pretty much a short pause and then you continue on to count out. I would suggest finding a local dance organization and take a few classes. Trust me they help out a whole lot. Good Luck.

i go 2 stepping with my friends alot and if i start to count the music i wont have any fun.. you kind of just have to feel the music and go along with the beat of it. you'll step forward twice with your leading foot then back with your following foot. just have some fun with it and once you get the hang of it turning and everything else will just come naturally. make sure you wear boots when you go dancing..