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Position:Home>Dancing> Are no pads better than gel pads for pointe shoes?

Question:I am on my third year of pointe work at ballet, and I can't decide what cushions help the most.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am on my third year of pointe work at ballet, and I can't decide what cushions help the most.

Some gel pads are too thick to feel the floor, like the pink and purple pads by leos.Skinny Dips are the thinest on the market.Gellows are just a little thicker than Skinny Dips.One thing about gel pads is you have to replace them alot because they will get thin spots.I also think gel pads make your foot feel more isolated so when wearing ouchpouches you can really learn how to move your feet. A lot of my ballet friends think ouchpouches are alot more professional!I wear ouchpouches and they are good for me!If you are going to wear gel pads i do suggest the Skinny Dips, because are the gel pads that make your foot feel the least isolated and you can still feel the floor!
Good luck with your dancing!!!

gel pads are better because you dont felel the pain .but they say that the other pads are betterbecasue you become a better dancer

I use the gel pads they help me even though it is my first year of pointe.

well it depends if you don't mind the pain then i might switch to nothing so you can feel the floor. but you can feel the floor with less instead of nothing. if you've used gel pads for the first 2 years and had no problems then keep them. if you want to feel the floor more then i'd say to try lamb's wool pads or maybe paper towels. it really depends on the person no one padding is the best for everyone, if it was there would only be that one kind.

deffinatly ouchpouches. i can't feel the floor in anything else.

Many professional dance schools don't allow toe pads, only lambswool. But, if you want a toe pad, you need to try them on with the shoes when you're being fitted. Try a few with different shoes, see which ones work the best for you.

They gel pads are more stabble and protect your feet better. Other pads are supposed to make you a better dancer, but cause serious damage to your feet in the long run. My mom used pads that were not gel, and now she had problems with her feet. I have been using gel pads for 4 years and my feet are fine. And it doesnt make a huge difference with your dancing anyway

Leos gel pads are too thick to feel the floor and ensure safe ansd proper placement. I suggest ouch pouches by bunheads, or gelos