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Position:Home>Dancing> Is there a website that can help me with my dance?

Question:I am doing a dance for my cheer squad(I'm captain)but I'm having trouble thinking of some moves.....if any one knows of a website or something that can help me please comment:)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am doing a dance for my cheer squad(I'm captain)but I'm having trouble thinking of some moves.....if any one knows of a website or something that can help me please comment:)

Try Try searching hip hop or jazz for some choreography. If you email me the name of the song and the style, as well as how many girls u have and the formation you're in, I might be able to come up with some choreography. I am a drill team officer, but we do lots of pom and I could give it a try.

I hope I helped! Good luck ( :

If you became captain you must be good and are capable of doing it on your own. Just relax and don't over think it. The moves will come to you! Hope I helped!
try these