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Position:Home>Dancing> What music should i use for clogging?

Question:I am going do be in a talent contest and i need to know what song i should clog to. I am leaning towards Hip Hop songs.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am going do be in a talent contest and i need to know what song i should clog to. I am leaning towards Hip Hop songs.

You should try any country bluegrss music especially with a fiddle in it. The music makes the audience start clapping. There is a 4 disc colletion of Hillbilly Boogie which I have enjoyed using. I did a clog number to Rocky Mountain Breakdown. I was luck to have a tape player that I could increase the speed on each verse so I could rerecord it. The dance had 12 people and won 1st place in competition. If you know how to mix you can mix styles of music. Hope this helps

you can clog to any music

Irish or Scotland songs but you can do hip hop if you want