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Position:Home>Dancing> Eeeekkkkk! what to do, what to do? Help plz.?

Question:Hi, heres the link to my question. Its a little long but I would grately appreciate some help. Im kinda new with some things. Like dancing, boys and ext. Im only in grade seven and shy, so this doesn't help the situation. I just dont know what to do!;...

thx! =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi, heres the link to my question. Its a little long but I would grately appreciate some help. Im kinda new with some things. Like dancing, boys and ext. Im only in grade seven and shy, so this doesn't help the situation. I just dont know what to do!;...

thx! =)

Dance with the non creepy guys. Once you dance with a guy it doesn't mean you can't dance with someone else, or that he can't dance with someone else. You might even tell a guy you are dancing with that so and so wants to dance with him. Have fun, all your friends should have fun together. Expect a good many of the other guys and girls to be as shy as you are.

ummm you cant just learn these things you have to just let it unfold on its own like dancing go to a school dance and see how girls dance just do what they do trust me youll learn alot by watching others