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Position:Home>Dancing> Ho to do a split in 1 week?

Question:i am going to a slumber-birthday party and need to know how to do a split in a week, the party is on friday and today is saturday and all the people that are coming already know how to do one and 2 of those girls are cheerleaders and if i do good they will recomend me to be a cheerleader.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am going to a slumber-birthday party and need to know how to do a split in a week, the party is on friday and today is saturday and all the people that are coming already know how to do one and 2 of those girls are cheerleaders and if i do good they will recomend me to be a cheerleader.

I know what it is like to struggle with flexibility. When I was
dancing I would ALWAYS pull my left hamstring by pushing it too
far, and stretching forcefully. Now that I have learnt how to work
with my body, not against it, I can go easily into the splits on
that side, without even warming up! Just about 10 years too late!

The biggest tip is... Don't try too hard! Far too many people push
their stretches too far and risk tearing muscle fibers in the
process! When you stretch a muscle too much it has a protective
response called the 'stretch reflex' that actually makes the muscle
contract. This means that you not only risk injuring yourself, but
that you don't get as much improvement as if you go a little more

Also, if you are contracting lots of other muscles to pull your leg
up (as most people do when trying to stretch their hamstrings), all
the tension in the rest of your body does nothing to help the
muscle you are trying to stretch relax!

Most people try to improve their flexibility into the splits by
simply doing the splits. This will get you a certain distance but
is certainly not the whole picture. The process that I find works
the best is to slowly work through all the other muscles in your
legs and around your pelvis that influence the nerve down the back
of the leg, as especially when you are growing, this is what is
usually tight.

One thing to remember is that it is not actually the muscle that is
too short. It is that your mind is telling the muscle to be held
too short.

Weird but true.

If you have to have an operation and go under a general
anaesthetic, the surgeon would be able to easily pull you into the
splits as all of your muscles relax with the medication. So the
actual length of the muscle has nothing to do with it.

Whenever you are 'stretching' you have to see if you can tell your
mind, to tell the muscle to let go. This takes practice, but is the
best way to improve and maintain flexibility in your muscles!

The other secret to gaining and maintaining flexibility in your
hips is by using the right muscles for the right job! If you are
gripping with your buttock muscles rather than using your true
turnout muscles you will always find that you get tight again after
a few classes, no matter how often you stretch!

I hope this helps!!!

stretch a lot everyday
*it may be painful be careful

Keep stretching, don't instantly force yourself all the way, try to get front split before the side split, much much easier. and you will be feeling a lot of pain, like a mean a lot. well for me it's worse because I am a guy, but just stretch and don't overdo yourself.

OK, so S-T-R-E-T-C-H!! That's pretty much all you can do, try doing yoga every morning, and stretching right before bed. Use your couch as a barre, it's the perfect height. Touching your toes can help too! It stretches your hamstrings. Sit cross-legged, and put one leg out to your side, and anchor it to a piece of sturdy furniture, and turn your body so you can feel it stretching. Hope this helps! Good Luck!

I really doubt that you will get your split in just a few days, but just keep trying everyday. If you don't get your split, just ask the girls that are there to help you with some techniques. Hope this helps!

um I highly doubt you can get your splits in a took me like a year to get mine and I'm a dancer... but if you want to try just stretch a lot but don't push yourself too far you'll pull a muscle

Well. Doing a split is hard. It takes alot of stretching. Stretch EVERYDAY. If you don't stretch everyday you wont be able to do one for a WHILE. I dont know how easy it will be to do a split in a week. It really depends on how flexible you are now. And and how faraway it is to doing a split. Stretch in the morning and afteroon. Hold your stretches for 30 seconds. But you dont dont want to push yourself to hard or you'll injure your muscles. And make sure you stretch before you try to a split. Good luck but it going to be hard in a week. It usually takes a while. But if you already are flexible maybe you can do it.
If you are a good cheerleader, you'll make it. You will have to eventually be able to do a split deffinanley. But if you are a good cheerleader other wise. Why would they turn you down

there's no way you're gonna get a split in one week. i've been working on mine for months now. some people even take a year. sorry hon. not gonna happen.