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Position:Home>Dancing> Can you start dance at 15 yrs old?

Question:I am 15 years old with no training in dance but have loved it and wanted to start all my life but now im 15 can i still start dance and become possible a proessional by at least 17 or 18? Please help i am really passionate about dance

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am 15 years old with no training in dance but have loved it and wanted to start all my life but now im 15 can i still start dance and become possible a proessional by at least 17 or 18? Please help i am really passionate about dance

YOU CAN DO IT!!! I am also fifteen, and this is my FIRST year in dance. i'm taking hiphop and ballet. next year i plan to start pointe.
people tell me i'm crazy, and the same thing that they're telling you. but i want to be professional too!!! WE CAN DO IT!! with passion, and determination, we can do it. you can do it. just study really hard, and make sure you have a good studio. i plan on (trying atleast =] ) to be professional by 17, too.
it IS possible.

I dont think that you will be able to be professional in that soon, but by all means you should try. Most of those dancers have been in classes since they were children of 3 years. Their bodies are trained for it. But i understand what you mean, i wish my mom would have put me in dance when i was little...instead of soccer with my brother =/ dancing is so pretty..but im 18 now...with severe knee problems...a dance future is over for me...

You can start dancing at any age 15, 51, 91 - its up to you.

It would be very difficult to become a professional in 2 years - no matter how old you were.

Start dancing - have fun - then see where it can take you.

I don't think you could be a professional in two or three years, but I see no reason whatsoever that you couldn't start now. People in their forties and fifties start taking dance!


If you are passionate and willing to work very hard you can achieve your dance dream. Go for it with all your strength!

Totally, you can start dance at 15, I would say you can't if you can't walk or you're dead. As for becoming a professional in two or three year's probably no. If you love it go for it. Just remember it's the middle of the dance year, so you'll have a lot to work on.

Yeah,i think you can still try to dance now.But if you want to be a professional by 17 or 18 u have to work harder every day and never quit.

I belive that anything is possible. Just don't dream to much because that will make you think that you can do anything and then you get pulled down by others (and belive me it hurts!) Try to practice in front of mirrors and go to a place that gives everyone attention not just the best dancer in the class! With the right balance you can make it anywhere. Also what kind of dance are you wanting to do? Because I do ballet. You might not find the best place at first but just keep trying and go for it girl. I started Ballet when I was 13 in 2007. But i am turning 15 this year and it is only 4 more grades before i can go en pointe! And i still havn't done an exam. Thats shows everyone that anything is possible out there. Go for it love, you CAN do it. Toodles!

you can start at any age. im not sure if you can be a professional that soon but you can sure try!!! work as hard as possible, practice every day and persevere!! if your that passionate about somehing you can definatly do it