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Position:Home>Dancing> Starting Ballet at 18?

Question:I'm 18, male and find I have a passion for ballet. I am contemplating taking adult classes. I am pretty supple and have a dancer's Physique or so i've been told. What I would like to Know is if it would be far too late to maybe become a professional if I enjoyed it enough? I probably already know the answer but would like to know what you guys think. Does anyone know any good Ballet teachers/classes in the north east of England for a novice like myself?

Thanks in advance


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm 18, male and find I have a passion for ballet. I am contemplating taking adult classes. I am pretty supple and have a dancer's Physique or so i've been told. What I would like to Know is if it would be far too late to maybe become a professional if I enjoyed it enough? I probably already know the answer but would like to know what you guys think. Does anyone know any good Ballet teachers/classes in the north east of England for a novice like myself?

Thanks in advance


Well there was a famous dancer who started when he was 22 so you have a really good chance. And with your physique you should do well. Please take classes because otherwise you will never know if you would have made it as a dancer. I do ballet as well and i started late when i was 13 i am almost fifteen and i have a good chance of becoming a dancer. Try your best beacuse you can do heaps. Don't worry about people calling you gay i am called lesbian heaps from my family and not as a joke! So don't worry about others being better than you just keep trying at it and you will find that you can do it. My first teacher was crap but my second is incredible. Try to find one with 'Royal Academy of Dancing' or 'R.A.D' teachers certificate. Hope that this helps you mate!!Toodles!

Looks like we have another Billy Elliot on our hands. Try not to turn out gay this time lol

You'll will do fine because of your love for it!

no is never too can still make it i do performing arts and they teach us acting and dancing and then in the third year you choose dance or acting...if you teach dancing they will teach my school is really good for that but its in south east london...but just in case you wanna have a look at it...its called brooklands college...anyway apart from my college i dont know other school..sorry...but i hope you make it and good luck...

I say if you have a passion for it, go for it. Who knows? You could be great! Ballet can be very rewarding, as long as you're willing to put forth the effort.

I'm not sure it's according to how much time you are willing to devote to it. It's painful and physically demanding and boy are those shoes expensive!
The guy who rented my apartment last year was in ballet at the college and man was he built. I guess it comes from bench pressing ballerinas all day. Oh, and don't think you have to be gay, Robert had more overnight girl traffic down there than a rock star. some of the guys that came to the parties were gay but not necessarily.
If you can't go ballet, modern dance will also put you in tip top shape. No one should ever have to ignore their passion so why not go for it.

Sorry mate but at 18 it's a futile undertaking. Do something more interesting.

its never too late to start. if you love it, dont hold back. dont let anyone stop you. and dont let anyone say youre gay(my studio has lost many boy dancers to that). ballet is one of the best things to happen to me. and youll do awesome!

theres always time. if you're in an adult class you probably won't even have to work that hard to keep up. at 13 i threw myslef into an intermediate ballet class and listened to every word ever said that would help me. i now know steps better than girls in my class who have taken ballet since they were 3. i lack flexability tho, which is harder to reach as you get older. good luck!

hey there.
al least try ballet.

and no its not far too late to become a pro.
for girls you kinda need to start young but some pro's only started dancing in college! :]

go for it . !!!


Do you it because you love it. As for doing it professionally I think it is a little late in life.....but you never just know!!!!!!

Go for it. Ballerina's are always greatful of a lad to dance with. Ignore insults because ballet can make you better at footie!
