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Position:Home>Dancing> The best type of dancing?

Question:what is the best type of dance for a unconfident 13 year old who wants to start a dance class.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what is the best type of dance for a unconfident 13 year old who wants to start a dance class.

Probably Lyrical, it's like a mixture of ballet and jazz. It's very flowy, you tell a story with your movements.

Breakdancing or less commonly known as bboying.

Ballroom. It's a great way to meet and be comfortable with, girls.

BREAKIN' BABY - why? Its one of the only type of dancing where you show you style and personalty as you go.

i would say bboying(break dancing). Scared of doing power moves(moves like windmlls,flares,etc) be a style head(footwork,etc) but i just say do what ever dance expresses yourself!