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Position:Home>Dancing> In your opinion is 22 yrs old too late to audition for a professional ballet com

Question:I have had 17 years intensive ballet training as well as partner work and 8 yrs of pointe....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have had 17 years intensive ballet training as well as partner work and 8 yrs of pointe....

do it. all they can do is say no thanks. if you dont do it you will regret not trying for the rest of your life. GO FOR IT.

It's never too late as long as you believe you can do it.. Try out.. the worst they can say is no.. you have nothing to lose..

it's never too late. Go for it, you won't know unless you try. Although most professionals leave a quite a few years earlier than 22, there's still a chance.
good luck, whatever the outcome, x

I know a young lady that went on world tour with Riverdance.
She was older than 22 when she got signed on.
Never give up!

in my opinion yes most people are in professional companys by the age of 15-17 also what company are you considering for auditioning at and where have you had your training

Hi, I am in a similar situation with less years than you though in training!! Good on you!! I was wanting to know how you would go about auditioning? Will they let you audition if you are 22? I hope more people answer lol!!!

It is never too late to audition unless the company has age restrictions (and most do - usually age 21). To me though, it is better to have tried and failed than to wonder the rest of your life. The worst thing they can say is "No"....Good Luck

I personally know of 2 guys who got into professional companies in their early 20's....


If you haven't been away for summer intensives and offered an apprenticeship yet, then good luck getting anyone to take you seriously. I've noticed the problem with a lot of schools is that they don't enoucrage their dancers to audition for SIs and get out into the pre-professional ballet world. That experience is very important and is the pathway to most dancers' careers. You may have no way of knowing whether you're even on a professional level yet compared to the rest of the country. If you think you're ready, then go ahead and audition. I wish you luck!

I think you should be able to audition, but I don't make the rules. The company you are auditioning for will decide if you are too old for what they are looking for.