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Position:Home>Dancing> Is dancing on pointe worth the pain?

Question:Yes, because it IS the full extension. Anything else, after pointe, is unsatisfactory. Also, turns are SOOOO much fun!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes, because it IS the full extension. Anything else, after pointe, is unsatisfactory. Also, turns are SOOOO much fun!

It's an art. With art,there often comes pain. Besides,it doesn't really hurt all the time,except in the beginning or so I'm told

once you get calluses you dont even feel any of it any moe

Okay, here's the thing about pointe, it effects everyone differently. Some luckily people actually feel no pain when on pointe and typically others develop calluses so they can be at least tolerant to the pain. But for the few like me, the calluses didn't help. Different shoes didn't help. Different foot protection didn't help. I'm just not built for pointe at all and the art of it wasn't worth the pain and cost after four years of trying. It's different from person to person, and for most it eventually gets better, but it just wasn't right for me at all. Now, my flat work is better and I feel better physically.

in my opinion it is definitely worth the pain! you can learn to overcome the pain, just zone out on it and then you can concentrate on being the best dancer you can be! even though sometimes it seems like some physco invented it as a form of torture, in the end i'm always glad that it's something i do!


it is so sooo worth it! and it shouldn't hurt that much. unless your teacher doesn't let you wear toe pads!