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Position:Home>Dancing> Hello?Girl wanted to learn breakdance...?

Question:Hi....i am an asian girl...i think that breakdance as boys do id so cool!!!I wanted to learn breakdance very much but lots of my friends said that breakdance not suitable for girl....they say girl doesn't have enough energy as boys do.Boys hand and body are much stronger than girl.Somebody suggest me wether I suitable to learn or not?By the way....Im just 16 years old girl.....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi....i am an asian girl...i think that breakdance as boys do id so cool!!!I wanted to learn breakdance very much but lots of my friends said that breakdance not suitable for girl....they say girl doesn't have enough energy as boys do.Boys hand and body are much stronger than girl.Somebody suggest me wether I suitable to learn or not?By the way....Im just 16 years old girl.....

i'm a girl and i break, and while guys do have more upperbody strength, it's nothing a few (or more) pushups can't help. if you want to learn, i think you should. don't let your friends make your descisions for you. instead, focus on proving to them that girls can break. check out sites like for move guides and beginner advice. they also have a section for bgirls like us. breaking is awsome and i say go for it. its tons of fun and i think you'd regret it if you never tried to learn. breaking's hard work but its definitely worth it. best of luck!

what does being asian have to do with anything?
if you wanna learn, learn. don't listen to your friends.
girls can do anything boys can do, just build up your
muscles if you don't think your strong enough. the only
way to do that is to practice, practice, practice.

If you want to then do it! Girls are equal to boys which means we can do anything we want to!