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Position:Home>Dancing> Grade 6 and 7 dance...?

Question:All grade 6 and 7 dance is really different, when I went there for first time I thought everyone was dance normal but they humping each other and dance sexy, staff at dance really dont care...all my friends is trying to look cooling, Friend of mine (boy) alway humping with girl at dance like at dance club....for older. I feel scary, when boy ask me to dance with him, he will dance with my slow and very that kinda unprotect or sumthing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: All grade 6 and 7 dance is really different, when I went there for first time I thought everyone was dance normal but they humping each other and dance sexy, staff at dance really dont care...all my friends is trying to look cooling, Friend of mine (boy) alway humping with girl at dance like at dance club....for older. I feel scary, when boy ask me to dance with him, he will dance with my slow and very that kinda unprotect or sumthing?

I went to one of those dances and did not like the way everyone danced even though the music and lights and prizes were awesome. I told my mother about how they danced and she told me I did not need to attend as there were other things I could do. When I said I was not going to the next one, some of my friends hung out with me and we had more fun. After that, we tried to find fun things to do so we wouldn't feel like we were missing something when we didn't go to the dance.

That sounds pretty typical. Kids are just trying to act older and more mature but really it's dumb. They aren't of age to be doing stuff like that. If you don't feel comfortable don't join in or don't go. My friends and I never ever danced like that we were the one that did the spastic dancing, which is really just way more fun and by the end of most dances everyone joined us. Be and individual. You don't have to follow anybody. Especially inappropriate dancing. Eleven and twelve are way to young to be dancing like that and acting like that.

if you want to avoid that, i am with you... they shounldnt be doing that! they probably get into the song too much!! girls who wear that to my dances are just called SLUTS!!!!!

If you wanna do what they're doing, then do it. If not, just don't. You can still dance, you just don't have to do all that nasty stuff. If you still feel really uncomfortable, then go grab some punch, sit down and talk, you know... Hang out. Don't let others put pressure on you because of what they're doing!