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Position:Home>Dancing> How do i do these dance steps (All dancers wanted)??

Question:I'm trying to go out for my high school's drill team. But a few of the things that we have to know, i dont understand how i do them. Like for example, How do i add height to my leaps and What is a Releve' and a Pique Turn?? Please be very descritive. Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm trying to go out for my high school's drill team. But a few of the things that we have to know, i dont understand how i do them. Like for example, How do i add height to my leaps and What is a Releve' and a Pique Turn?? Please be very descritive. Thank you!

Ok, these are basic dance techniques that you will need to know.
~To add height, plie more. A deep plie is the best way to get better leaps. Also, try lifting your chest and imagine a string is pulling you up towards the sky
~A releve is standing on the ball of your foot. This video helps explain it
~In a pique turn, you step up onto a straight leg in releve and bring the other leg to passe. You turn and land in plie for the next turn/move. It is key to step up onto a straight leg, keep the leg in passe, quickly bring it to passe, spot, and keep you arms under control. The leg in passe should be turned out.
~Ball change: a ball change is a weight change between the feet in which you step on one and then the other. This video helps explain, she is doing it in tap, but it is the same move for drill team
~Pirouette: a pirouette is a turn that comes from a plie, the legs comes straight up to passe, and you turn. A deep plie is crucial, as well as arms and spotting. Here is a link:
The prep and the arms can vary, but I would recommend holding the arms in first position and prepping like she did

Good luck!!! I hope I helped ( :

Ok, so:
Hieght to leaps: run and jump high as you can
A releve' is when you go up on your toes.From flat, to one your tip toes. You elevate.
A Pique Turn is a turn when you lift one leg to your knee, creating a triangle shape with your leg.
You can't see well, but that's what it is and what it looks like.
Hope this helps!!

to get your leaps higher, try to plie (bend your knees) more. releve is going up on the balls of your feet. a pique starts as a tondue (foot straight out and pointed) goes to a half randejam (1/4 circle) and lifts your other foot to posse and turn. you might want to get a book on dance terminology to help you understand the steps. hope my tips help!!

if you dont know these extremely basic steps, i dont sugjest trying out. no way could you learn it all in time anyway.

Well im in dance at my high school too!!!
Its major fun.
But basically a relavae is when your on your "tip toes" or at the highest you can be.
and a Peakay is when your in relevae and your turning with your arms in first[or in a circle in front of you with your finger tips 2-3 inches apart].

You start in relavae[on your tip toes] and you choose a spot to "spot".Then you turn in relevae while staring at you spot you choose and continue to look at it as you turn.

Their fairly easy as long as you spot.

Hope i helped and feel free to ask me to clarify myself more;=]


a releve is when you go up on your toes like this a pique turn is when you bend your knees then go up on one leg and turn on that leg when you do that you lift your other leg up to your knee a turn.

A. Releve

This is a ballet dance move where you start usually in any ballet position (1st to 5th), starting with equal weight on both feet, and then you go up partially on toes (called "demi-pointe" in French) or up fully on the toes. (or "pleine pointe" in French).

There are two types of releve.....

1. The "adage releve"--often used as a barre exercise, where you go up on toes slowly.

And, the

2. The "allegro releve"----which is often used in fast dance
numbers, where you go up on toes very fast from your equal weight on toes.

B. Pique turn

This is another ballet move, but it is also used in jazz dancing too. This is a variation of a pirouette turn in jazz and ballet.

Let me explain the "pique turn" just for you....

As the working foot spins around in pirouette (a ballet term for the common type of "spin"), at the same time the free leg goes into "passe" position....that is, the toe area of the free leg touches on the inside part of the supporting leg's knee only for a brief moment. At the end of the spin, the working leg is in releve partially on toes or fully on the toes.

"Pique" comes from the French "piquer"--to stick, sting, or pinch, so the "passe" leg seems to pinch the working leg's part of the knee. That is why it is called "pique."

C. How to make your leaps better......

Strengthen your lower body muscles that are involved in the jumping, especially the calves and thighs.

Also, bend your knees more during takeoff preparations, and also......

Remember the "pas courus"? That is French for "running steps". Use running steps before doing any type of ballet or jazz jump that requires wide space, such as a "tour de jete", a "tour de jete" with split, or a "tour de l'air" (turn in the air), or a "tour double en l'air" (double turn in the air), and also the "grand ecart" (the side split jump in the air). Running steps will help you achieve better distance and a better degree of height during most dance jumps.

I hope all of this helps you, and good dancing, young lady!

to add height to your leaps kick your front leg higher when you first take off. a releve is when you rise onto the balls of your feet. and a pique turn (to the right): start with your right leg extended front, plie on your left leg and rondejambe your right leg to the side push with your left leg onto your right leg, use your left arm to get yourself around. you can look them up on this link:
good luck with you audition!

If you havent been doing leaps for a long time, i would focus on technique before height, height will come from from doing them alot and getting stronger muscles in your legs. Focus on pointing both toes and keeping both legs straight, and make sure the back knee is straight to the floor and the front knee is facing the ceiling. But if you look up and raise your arms into a high V, it gives the illusion of a higher leap. But make sure to control your arms. Keep your fingers in blades, and your elbows locked and it will look really pretty.

A releve' is just basically going up on your toes, like a little girl going up on her "tippy toes". That's all that is.

A pique turn is very simple.

Step with one foot (usually to the side, and they are frequently done to the right, so you would probably step to the right with your right foot).
pick up your left leg and bend that knee so your left toe is pointing to your right knee. make sure that if someone were looking at you from the front it would look like a triangle. and point your toe (make sure to not wrap your foot around your knee)
then you just turn. The step at the beginning is your prep, it gives you your momentum to turn.

good luck :)

to get your leaps higher, take three shashe steps and bend your knees(plie) as low as you can to get more spring and then jump yourself into the air and throw your legs out. just make sure you plie as mucha s u can because that will make them higher. also, point eyour toes and keep both legs very straight and hold your body up.

a releve is where you go from standing flat on your feet and raising them up to be standing on the balls of your feet.

a pique turn is wher you step with one leg out and pick up the other one facing outswards with the arch of your foot right at your knee cap. then turn.
these are very hard to describe so heres a video.

hope i helped!!

For bigger leaps, the key is a powerful prep, and a good plie to get you off the ground. This sounds nuts, but when I was learning them, I found it helpful to think of trying to slide the split out on a table. Seriously!
Releve (to raise) is when you go from flat foot to demi, on your toes. Pique (to prick) is a travelling turn, almost like a chaine turn, the front foot does the "pricking" where you spring onto the turning leg. Traditionally,the free leg goes to passe.
Pirouette can be any kind of stationary turn, passse, attitiude, pecil, etc. Ball change is a step,exactly what it sounds like. Its usually done in the pattern of step-ball-change. you would step flat on one foot, put weight on the ball of the back foot, transfer weight back to the front flat foot, reverse sides.