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Position:Home>Dancing> I need more padding in my pointe shoes-what do you recommend?

Question:At the moment I am wearing Bloch pointe shoes and ouch pouches. Apparently they have gel in them? Lol I have no idea what they're called (Oh, the shame).

The top of my toes are hurting, as in the ones I'm standing on.

Oh and just another question-has methylated spirits toughened up your skin?

Thank you :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: At the moment I am wearing Bloch pointe shoes and ouch pouches. Apparently they have gel in them? Lol I have no idea what they're called (Oh, the shame).

The top of my toes are hurting, as in the ones I'm standing on.

Oh and just another question-has methylated spirits toughened up your skin?

Thank you :)

OK here it is:

1.Tape your feet (each toe individually)
2. Cut the tip of an old sock (just like the shape of the gel pad you are using) and put this on first. This helps to absorb all the sweat and avoid rubbing where blisters will form.
3. Use regular lambs wool pads (ballet pillows were my favorite).

Too much padding can be detrimental so be careful. And eventually you will build calluses and wont have to worry about this as much as in the beginning. Hope this helps!


check out the for some information on padding and things like that!

Get toe pads? If they have gel in them, that's what they're called. Sometimes pointe shoes hurt when they are too big. Try getting some stuffing (You can buy this from bloch) to fill them out. They may also be too small. Also, I don't find the gel ones the best to use. The fabric ouch pouches are the best because they don't rub like the gel ones. My pointe shoes are sonatas, which come with a gel type padding in the end, which I back up with fabric ouch puches. You may also find that you are jumping onto your block, which could be why your toes are getting sore. You don't necessarily need more padding.

Dear Rach, This is one i`ll leave to someone who knows what they`re talking about. LOL

I am 14 and I do pointe myself. One thing I can tell you though is that no matter how much padding you use your toes will always hurt atleast a little bit. In my experience though the gel ones have always worked very badly. Maybe you should try the ones with sheep wool in them. And I am not sure what you mean by methylated spirits but I know doing pointe (or just dancing in general) will toughen up the skin on your feet.

i wear bloch serenades with toe saver's pink gel toe pads. theyre really squishy. maybe check them out. my feet are nowhere near as blistered as everyone else in my class who dont use them.

hmmm, i'm forgetting what they are called but they're in like every catalog they are pink or purple and they are all gel. or you could try adding a little lambs wool. here's a lot of other toe pad types see if they're anything like what you want.

Try cotton wool.